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udemo email support

Email Support

Simply email us and we'll take care of your request as soon as possible.

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Skype Chat

Should you need quick support we are available on Skype.

Start a Skype Chat


Phone Support

For our maintenance package customers we provide phone support for those times when you really need to get someone on the line right away to solve a problem.

Maintenance Packages

  • What prices are our services? +

    Our prices are probably the very best you will find today. We pride ourselves in delivering work with as low cost to you as possible without compromising the high quality of our work. However, it is very difficult to know what your final price will be without knowing your particular requirements. One thing is for sure though, our prices will probably never be beat for the service quality we offer. Simply contact us and we'll get you a competitive quote quickly.
  • What is our refund policy? +

    Once work commences your deposit can not be refunded. This is due to the fact we incur costs right away when beginning the scheduled work.
  • What payments methods do we accept? +

    We accept payment via PayPal. It's secure, quick and convenient for all parties.
  • What happens when the work is completed? +

    Once the work is completed we send the work to you. In the case of websites we activate your chosen maintenance package.
  • What support options are available? +

    Please refer to the maintenance package page.
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